Writing Assignment In Philosophy

Writing Assignment In Philosophy

Please make this paper original with correct grammar. You are required to complete a written case analysis (200 words).

Please read Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Case 16, p. 96.

Identify the moral issue(s) and the parties involved; identify what universalizable moral duties are at stake; identify how the principle of respect for persons applies to the case.

CASE 16. A man and a woman, both college students, have been living together off campus for three years. They have never considered marrying, and it has always been implicit in their relationship that each should be free to leave the other any thime he or she wishes. Unexpectedly, the woman becomes pregnant. Beacuse she is opposed to abortion, she resigns herself to having the child. When she is seven months pregnant, the man decides to leave her. One day when she is out shopping for groceries, he gathers his belongings, scribbles a hasty note (“Our relationship was beautiful while it lasted, but it’s over”), and leaves.

Submit your assignment to the Written Case Analysis 3 Dropbox no later than Saturday 4:59 PM EST/EDT.(This Dropbox is linked to Turnitin.) When you save your document, please make sure it includes the format: “Firstname Lastname–WCA3″