Writing Assignment #3

Writing Assignment #3

In this module, we focused on the fundamental and wide-ranging consequences of population aging.

This writing assignment will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of population aging its impact on other aspects of society. Compose a two-part essay that addresses the following:

Part 1. Population aging: What is population aging and how does it affect the age structure of a population?What demographic processes produce population aging?Summarized the evidence for population aging in the U.S.

Part 2. Select a country other than the U.S. Use the Census International Data Base to generate population pyramids for your country for the years 2017 and 2047. Describe the current and future age structures and discuss the social implications:Describe the current age structure of the country you selected. Would you consider the population of this country to be young or old? Explain your answer.How is the age structure of this country expected to change over the next three decades? How will the changing age structure affect this society? (select one or two important consequences and discuss.)

To generate population pyramids:Follow this link to the https://www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/idb/informationGateway.php

For “Select Report”, select “Population Pyramid Graph”Select “2017” as the year

Select your country

Click on “Submit”Repeat the above steps for the year 2047.

Please include figures of the population pyramids for 2017 and 2047 in your essay. To do this, right click on the population pyramid. Select “save image as” and save to your desktop. In Word, go to “insert”, select picture, and select saved image of population pyramid. Note: copying and pasting the population -pyramid may not work.

For full credit: Your essay must be 3-4 pages long (including population pyramids)Text should be double-spaced

Font must be Times New Roman, 12 pt All margins must be 1 inch

You may include external sources

All external sources must be cited correctly using APA style citations