Ween 5 Feedback From Professor In Constructing Strategies 10

Ween 5 Feedback From Professor In Constructing Strategies 10

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Incivility in psychology undergraduate education programs

Lit Review

Kopp & Finney (2013) note that in the contemporary learning environment, the students have the expectation of receiving high grades, and this is irrespective of the efforts the put into the learning activities. The authors suggest that in case this does not happen, some of the students end-up being uncivil. In this case, the findings are that a significant number of uncivil students are simply frustrated with their performance in school. Therefore, there is the need to address this and other related issues so as to pinpoint the real issues behind the problem of incivility.

According to Johnson-Bailey (2015), the first approach towards dealing with incivility is appreciating the fact that the problem exists and that it is widespread. This should then prompt the assessment of whether it is impacted upon by race, gender, and other background issues. Among other areas of observation is whether the creation of a “democratic learning environment where fairness prevails” helps in mitigating the incidences of incivility. He insists that challenges should be highlighted as soon as they have been observed so as to deal with these issues before the situation gets out of hand.

Jenkins, Kerber, & Woith, (2013) have indicated that in situations where the students have been included in finding a remedy to incivility, their participation facilitate the change of behavior and attitude. Those who refuse or are unable to participate continue their uncivil behavior, and everyone around them suffers the consequences. This means that learning activities are hindered.

Carr, Pitt, Perrell, & Recchia, (2016) sought to understand how incivility in schools affect the students’ performance as well as after having undergone placements. The researchers found that in case students are demonstrating quiet incivility, the authorities and departments ought to be concerned. The students and their parents and guardians need to be invited for a meeting in order to assess the causes of their dissenting attitude. The researchers suggest that seeking restorative supervision could enhance their personal resilience, and hence be in a position to act normally and accommodate everyone else.

Hassoy, Durusoy, & Karababa, (2013) studied the impact of the use of mobile phones by students, especially at a time when they are supposed to be cooperating in teams to advance their learning activities as well as social skills. The authors argue that understanding the causes and effect of determinants of incivility is the only way to facilitate effective interventions amongst special subgroups. In particular, these include those who tend to be addicted to the use of mobile technology to the point where it hinders the development of their social skills.

Problem Statement

The potential origin and effective resolutions of incivility in psychology education among both the student and the faculty are unknown.

Research Questions

The research questions include:

· What are the primary causes of incivility in psychology education?

· Which kinds of behavior among the psychology students and faculty influence incivility in psychology education?

· What intervention measures could help in mitigating incivility in psychology education?

This research questions define the problem, address the issues which escalate it, and ultimately seek to pinpoint the most effective solutions.


Fifteen psychology educators and 200 students who have vast experiences on the incivility associated with education programs will be purposively sampled. Attempts will be made to ensure that the sample is as diversified as possible so as to reflect the feelings of individuals from various backgrounds. The target response rate will be 80%. Such an approach facilitates the saturation of data, meaning that no further information could cause significant changes on observations and conclusion (Mason, 2010; O’Reilly & Parker, 2013).

Describe the Phenomenon

Incivility refers to rudeness in speech and behavior. The impolite and offensive words and actions derail collaboration, and hence learning activities are hindered (Kopp & Finney, 2013). It has been observed that universities have had to deal with insulting remarks, bullying, and even violence; and this has obviously impacted psychology education negatively (Carr et al., 2016). There is the need to understand the causes, what makes the behavior to continue, as well as the most appropriate remedies.

Methodology and Design

This study will make use of the qualitative descriptive design .

The advantage of a qualitative study is that it goes beyond the counting and ranking of data. The researcher is able to analyze feelings, as well as cover issues in great details and depth (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2013).

Descriptive design is important as it facilitates the description of trends, attitudes, and opinions. In this case, the researcher would be able to make an observation on how cases of incivility are being reported as well as how the individual involved behave (Mason, 2010). It will also take into account the opinions of the respondents and address them in a conclusive manner. Since interviews are to be used, it will be possible to gauge the attitudes based on both the words of mouth as well as the body language.

Purpose Statement

The purpose is to describe the factors which institution should regard as the main contributors towards incivility among the psychology students as well as the faculty. This is to be coupled with the appropriate solutions .

Data Collection Instruments and Approach

The data is collected through interviews, and this avails room for interaction with the subjects on the basis of their own languages as well as terms . The data is accurate based on the fact that the answers are recorded firsthand. Besides, clarifications will be sort every time something sounds confusing (Miles et al., 2013).