Visual Presentation Of EBP Project

Visual Presentation Of EBP Project


This assignment will allow you to share the evidence that you found in the Module Four Evidence Based Practice Project: Finding the Evidence. You will create a visual aid as described below and share your findings with your peers on the discussion board.

Submitting your assignment

· This assignment will be posted on the DB. The instructor/coach will provide you with feedback and upload your grade to Blackboard.

Grading Rubric

Use this rubric to guide your work the assignment. Points are awarded for each section based on content and clarity of expression.



Visual aid content:

· Pico Question Shared with Audience

· Fact(s) from Source #1

· Fact(s) from Source #2

· Fact(s) from Source #3

· Fact(s) from Source #4

· Recommendations for practice / change in practice based on research

Stated and well explained

(up to 60 points)

Not mentioned or poorly explained

( 0-60 points)

Creativity and Professionalism:

· Includes facts from presentation

· Professional and creatively produced

· Includes references

Stated and well explained

(up to 20 points)

Not mentioned or poorly explained

( 0 points)

Comments on Two Peer EBP projects:

Two substantive comments

to peers

(20 points)

One or no comments

(0-10 points)

Instructions for Completing Your Assignment

· Now that you’ve uploaded your EBP Project from Module Four into Blackboard to be graded, it’s time to do the second half of the project in Module Five.

· You see, it is good for you to have the correct knowledge about something….or to know the right way to practice. However, it is even better if you share your new knowledge with others!

· To prepare for this week, I would like you to do two things.

· Prepare a Visual aid that covers your EBP from Module Four: