The Core Assessment Paper

The Core Assessment Paper

The Core Assessment Paper for LE300R must apply the ethical and psychological theories of humor learned in this course in an analytical examination and interdisciplinary discussion of one or more examples of humor in the today’s culture. The paper should synthesize perspectives from multiple disciplines and present an analytical viewpoint of the example(s) being used for the paper. The paper must:

Identify interdisciplinary uses of humor in your professional life or future career goals, and formulate a plan for responsible and ethical applications of and responses to humor in your career setting.
Create and synthesize a concept for globally responsible values and attitudes toward humor in social media, Pop Culture (television and movies) or other venues that have diverse audience demographics.
The Core Assessment is to be an academic paper demonstrating sophisticated, integrative and interdisciplinary learning about the theories, ethics and psychology of humor in real-world environments. Although the paper may briefly reference comedic cinema, humorous books, comedic television programs or other Pop Culture vehicles, the paper is not to be a ‘movie review’ or ‘summary’ of an entertainment vehicle.

How many references will I need to use?
You will need at least FIVE outside references, in addition to the required textbooks for this course. Be sure to have at least five FULL pages of writing in addition to your reference page.
What type of references can we use?
You MUST use both course textbooks in your final paper as reference sources.
For the other sources (at least five) you should primarily use academic journals (we have a wealth of them in our online library). Do NOT use Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, or other non-academic sources.
One way to start researching your paper is to find articles in academic journals about the ethics, psychology, social interactions and other elements in your career field, and apply the theories of humor from our course to the information in these studies.