Social, Economic And Environmental Justice

Social, Economic And Environmental Justice

The Center for Economic and Social Justice defines “social justice” as “giving to each what he or she is due.” “Economic justice” is concerned with determining what an individual’s “due” actually encompasses.

For this Discussion, select a case study in this week’s Readings. Review the case study, focusing on the social or economic justice issues at play in the situation described.

Reference: Center for Economic and Social Justice. (n.d.). Defining economic justice and social justice. Retrieved from June 11, 2013, from

submit a description of a social or economic justice issue that is evident in the case. Suggest two strategies the social worker might employ to address the issue.


Working With Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Angela Angela is a 27-year-old, Caucasian female, who first came to counseling to address her history of sexual abuse. She graduated from college with a BS in chemistry and has since been employed by pharmaceutical companies. After obtaining a new job, she relocated to an apartment in an East Coast city where she knew no one. Both of Angela’s parents live on the West Coast, and she has one younger brother who also lives in a different state. Angela has limited contact with both her mother and brother and does not have any contact with her father. Angela is obese and disclosed a history of struggling with her weight and eating issues. She has few friends, and those she does have live far away. Angela has a long history of trauma in her life. She was sexually abused between the ages of 9 and 21 by her father, sexually assaulted at the age of 14 by a classmate in school, and mugged as a young adult. There was domestic violence in the home, also perpetrated by her father. Angela’s father is considered an upstanding member of the community, and he is well liked and respected by others. No one in Angela’s family believes that she was sexually abused, and her father joined a “false memory syndrome” group and is outspoken about that issue. There has been little discussion in her family about what took place in the home while she was growing up. Angela struggled with daily functioning and exhibited symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She had a history of cutting herself and binge eating and displayed some characteristics of borderline personality disorder. Angela also mildly dissociated when under duress. Angela suffered from depression and anxiety and had trouble establishing new relationships, both socially and at work. Although Angela has a stable job and was able to complete her work each day, at times she became overwhelmed by her emotions and retreated to the bathroom where she cried and sometimes cut herself before returning to her workstation.