Social And Cultural Biases

Social And Cultural Biases


Social Cultural Diversities


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Divergence in the way of life between people who live together is referred to as cultural diversity. This is a concept where multiculturalism appears. Gender, religion, race and social economic status are some of the categories where biases are highly indicated. Diverse groups which have come together like in colleges, , and settlement areas, there is a high possibility of biases between the different categories of people.

One of the biases I have had was a cognitive bias. The origin of the human race, where we came from and who created us was among my biases. I had a conclusion that we humans came from elsewhere in space and landed on earth where we inhabited (Abrams, 2009). This became my conclusion until I came to learn of all the theories of human origin.

Being discriminated is one of the fears amongst many people mostly around my area. I once experienced discrimination when my fellow classmates used to make inappropriate jokes to me and my family due to poverty (Noon, 2018). Negative nicknames which made me feel rejected in the society. Being harassed by big students in my class was also among the discriminations I have ever experienced in my past.

Being the only student from upcountry made my life very difficult in my high school life. During bet times, I was forced to take my rest as the last person due to bad behaviors of my roommates. Co-curricular activities were not on my favor as all the teammates did not want to interact with me. During meal times, (Abrams, 2009) I had to take my meal alone for no one ever wanted to get associated with me at any point. Being from upcountry made me be discriminated as my ethnic group was not well recognized in my country.

For all the experiences I have undergone through, I cannot let anyone to have such experiences that I went through. Discriminating a person because of the cultures or race is one of the act I cannot try at any point. Treating people with the respect they require and loving them will always be noticeable in my entire life.

Racism may happen in many places as it takes many forms. Discrimination, hatred or prejudice are kinds of racism that a person may experience because of color, ethnicity, religion, gender, physical and psychological disabilities, and origin among others. Harassment or acts of abuse are usually associated with racism but it does not involve violent behaviors (Noon, 2018). It can be revealed through the actions and attitudes of people but sometimes it cannot be indicated at all. It is not all about words, beliefs or actions but it also includes being excluded from certain public or common groups, activities because of where one comes from. Barriers that hinder people from enjoying equality and dignity due to race is also racism.

A person who has a negative attitude toward a certain specific group of people is referred to a subtle racist. This person’s actions are very indirect and are really expressed through hints only. In the past years, black Americans have experienced racism in the country because of their dark color. In workplaces and even schools, cases have been reported of discrimination and even harassmentto the blacks. White’s rejected black’s in their churches hence they were forced to form their own religions. In the few past, in politics, leaders have always indicated racism in their politics.

There have been indicated racism not only outside different ethnic groups but also in the same ethnic groups. People with special needs have Benn discriminated in workplaces and also in the local activities. Gender inequalities like men have specific tasks they can do that woman cannot do making women to be a minority group. Employers may discriminate certain people while allocating duties, benefits, training, and other activities. Harassment in the offices where an employer may use his powers to harass the employees (Noon, 2018). Allocation of duties as employees may be allocated minor duties which do not match with his or her line of employment. Some information requested during job application is somehow discriminative although, for some reasons, they are always for affirmative purposes.

Cultural sensitivity is a vital requirement for a company or organization that is conducting business to different ethnic groups. If these cultures are ignored, the business may offend special and important clients (Smedley, 2005). A company that hires employees from the ethnic groups where they are conducting business indicate a great success in the region(s). Norms are to be followed in many ethnic groups hence if a company knows about them, it will successfully prosper. Using foreign language to conduct advertisements may have cultural relations problems for companies. Appreciation of foreign cultures, if not taken into consideration, can alienate the business from prospering as the local people will not have enough knowledge of the company’s supplies and services (Brah,1999).