SOAP Note with Genogram


Instructions: Enter total points possible in cell C16, under the rubric. Next enter scores (between 0 and 4) into yellow cells only in column F.
Unit 2 – SOAP Note Section 1 Grading Rubric
Unacceptable Below Average Average Above Average Score Weight Final Score Comments
0 2 3 4
Date and Source of History, Biographical Data No data addressed. Data poorly addressed. Data addressed but more detail is needed or content inconclusive. Data specific, clear and thoroughly addressed. 0 20% 0.00
Chief Complaint and History of Present Illness No chief complaint or history of present illness. Chief complaint and history of present illness poorly addressed. Chief complaint and history of present illness addressed but more detail is needed or content inconclusive. Chief complaint and history of present illness specific, clear and thoroughly addressed. 0 20% 0.00
Past Medical and Family History No past medical or family history. Past medical and family history poorly addressed. Past medical and family history addressed but more detail is needed or content inconclusive. Past medical and family history specific, clear and thoroughly addressed. 0 20% 0.00
Genogram No genogram. Genogram poorly addressed. Genogram depicted but more detail is needed or genogram inconclusive. Genogram specific, clear and thoroughly addressed. 0 20% 0.00
Organized and well written No paper submitted. Paper was unorganized and poorly written. Paper was somewhat organized and overall writing left room for improvement. Paper was thoroughly organized and well written. 0 5% 0.00
Ideas stated clearly and logically No paper submitted. Ideas were not stated clearly or logically. Some ideas were stated clearly and logically. All ideas were stated clearly and logically. 0 5% 0.00
Relevance of Content No paper submitted. Paper was off topic and not relevant. Some portions of paper were on topic and relevant. Paper was thoroughly on topic and relevant. 0 5% 0.00
Spelling and grammatical errors No paper submitted. No formatting guidelines Less than 6 spelling or grammatical errors. All formatting guidelines were followed; No spelling or grammatical errors. 5% 0.00