Research Paper – Operant Conditioning: Applying Animal Research To Human Behavior

Research Paper – Operant Conditioning: Applying Animal Research To Human Behavior

I need an A on this assignment. I will provide Instructor main points that he want to see you write on in a few days. Please read over carefully the instructions in detail. I already got a F done by another tutor on this hw and the instructor is allowing redo on my term paper counted as my final exam.

Minimum of 6 pages – 7 pages max, APA format 12 point font Times New Roman Double space – not including the cover page and reference page. Do not number cover page, number 1 start on the first page of essay and 1″ margin on all four side. Do not use right-justified (even-right hands) margin. No plagiarism cannot quote or paraphrase from summarized articles or other sources. Need to be your own words throughout, if the summary is better than the interpretation, than it is evidence you are copying. This is counted 50 percent of my grade and is like a final exam. Work must be provided with a no plagiarism report. Please see the attached for full instructions. Below is a brief summary of what you need to write on and you must follow the instructions listed below on how to right this research paper. I need an A and I do not want to get an F. The professor state you must follow his direct instructions, THERE MAY OCCASIONALLY BE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TEXT’S VERSIONS OF CONCEPTS AND THE VERSIONS THAT I PRESENT IN CLASS, IN 302notes.doc, OR IN DOCUMENTS LISTED IN 302schedule.doc. WHEREVER THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, THE VERSION THAT I PROVIDE IS THE ONE THAT YOU SHOULD PRESENT IN YOUR PAPER.

The paper is divided into two parts (you do not need to include the headings listed below).

Part 1: Basic Concepts and Principles The first part of the paper discusses the fundamentals of operant conditioning based on animal research. First Two Paragraphs on Page 1: Begin with a definition of operant conditioning as an approach to analyzing behavior that focuses on the ways in which behavior is influenced by its consequences in the environment. You can illustrate the process of operant conditioning by using the prototypical experiment of a rat that presses a bar, receives food, and then presses the bar at a higher rate. NOTE: It would be useful to define reinforcement and punishment here in the first paragraph when you discuss the consequences of behavior. However, DO NOT start defining positive and negative reinforcement, and positive and negative punishment, in the first paragraph because these are technical distinctions that would distract from the basic point of the paragraph. For contrast, in the next paragraph (not later in the paper), present a short paragraph (half page maximum) that discusses classical conditioning as a process in which learning occurs even though the learned behavior has no consequences in the environment. You can illustrate this process with the experiment in which the ringing of a bell is paired with food and a dog learns to salivate when the bell is rung even though the food is given regardless of the animal’s behavior. (You don’t have to use the terms US, UR, CS, CR.) Starting with the Third Paragraph and Continuing for 2 or 3 pages: Define and give your own examples of the terms listed below (Part 1 is not a literature review). A common problem with students’ papers is that they leave out required terms or do not provide the requested information. It is suggested that you check off each of the following terms and related information as you complete it. Do not simply the list the terms. They should be conceptually related to each other with logical transitions between terms. SEE CHECKLIST ON NEXT PAGE