Research Methods -A16 &A17

Research Methods -A16 &A17

Using the Annotated Bibliography format provide a detailed review of six qualitative articles. As you review articles with the focus of your research question you may need to select alternative studies to align with your completed work. The selection of articles is dependent on the focus you choose for your discussion. If the articles do not meet the requirements needed to support your discussion, search and replace articles as needed. Link the areas of focus and indicators to the theory. Keep in mind the theoretical or conceptual framework your have selected. The articles may use a different theory than the one you have chosen for previous papers. Following the Prospectus description for the Purpose of the Study in the Doctoral Project Manual, use the criteria and information from previous activities to draft your Purpose of the Study. Use your Research Question as your focus for the discussion. Follow with the 6 studies in the annotated bibliography format.
Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 6 to 7 pages.

On a separate document- Labeled Assignment 17

Assignment 17 Submit Qualitative Studies Paper:

Write a 3-5 page paper using four of the six research articles using one of the charts designed during the class. Refine the chart as needed to reflect the focus of your paper and new qualitative articles. Include charts, tables, and graphs as an appendix at the end of the paper.
The main purpose for this activity is to present an issue via the exploration of clear factors and applicable theory as they relate to your research interest. This academic discourse will allow you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the different factors and then draw conclusions based on the evidence you present.
Prepare a 3-5 page qualitative studies paper your specific topic of interest. Assert your research question and applicable theory. Then present your Purpose of the Study. Use the following outline: Provide an introduction (include research question, applicable theory, and Purpose of the Study. Follow with the presentation of the four qualitative studies using the Annotated Bibliography format. Provide a discussion of the two perspectives regarding the selected predominate factor and link to the applicable theory based on the articles you presented. Finally, draw conclusions based on what you have presented. Again, include one of the graphs, tables, or charts to reflect relationship of the factors you have identified to the theory and how they are important. Include the chart or table as an appendix to your paper. Your discussion does not include the cover page, references, or appendices.
Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3-5 pages.