Reaction Paper For General Psychology,

Reaction Paper For General Psychology,


What would you want to research? You are to create a potential research project. Think about the videos shown in class (i.e., When the Bough Breaks, Ghost in our Genes, Tale of Two Mice, Jill Bolte’s Stroke) An example: I want to examine the relationship between racism and biological functioning. Requirements for the Paper: 2 page minimum. In the attached document you are required to use All bolded terms in your paper PLUS You are to use six additional terms from chapter 1 and six from chapter 2. Do not give me definitions of the terms in your paper. Your task is to use the terms correctly in your paper without defining them. Extra credit given if your idea comes from the Black child development and Psychgenetic articles provided in Ecourses.


KEY TERMS Chapter 1

psychology, p. 2

science, p. 2

behavior, p. 2

critical thinking, p. 3

behavioral approach, p. 9

sociocultural approach, p. 11

variable, p. 13

theory, p. 14

hypothesis, p. 14

case study, p. 18

correlational research, p. 20

third variable problem, p. 21

experiment, p. 23

random assignment, p. 23

independent variable, p. 24

dependent variable, p. 24

experimental group, p. 24

control group, p. 24

experimenter bias, p. 25

research participant bias, p. 26

population, p. 29

sample, p. 29

random sample, p. 30

naturalistic observation, p. 32


KEY TERMS Chapter 2

nervous system, p. 43

afferent nerves, p. 44

efferent nerves, p. 44

somatic nervous system, p. 45

autonomic nervous system, p. 45

sympathetic nervous system, p. 46

parasympathetic nervous system, p. 46

stress, p. 46

stressors, p. 46

neurotransmitters, p. 52

hindbrain, p. 60

brain stem, p. 61