Reflection Guidelines

What is expected of you for each reflection is a well-organized paper that answers all the questions of each reflection assignment in a well-organized, cohesive way.

o A title page:

Add a title page to your journal that includes your name, the class and submission date. Be creative and give your journal a title that is a reflection of what you discussed through reflection assignments.

How should it be submitted?

o Format:

All assignments must be typed in a 12 point font, 1″ margins, double spaced, printed, and stapled with a copy of the rubric attached. Be sure to also include a running header and page numbers. Papers that are not stapled, missing running headers, page numbers, or a copy of the rubric when turned in will automatically lose up to 5 points.

 Be sure to proofread and spell check. Spelling and grammar errors will result in point deductions.

How will it be graded?

Your grade on this portion of the journal will be based on whether you answer the questions and/or prompts accurately and completely, and whether (and how) you incorporate course materials (readings, lectures, and discussions) to show the depth of your reflection and the mastery of course content.

Reflection Guidelines


What is expected of you for each reflection is a well

organized paper that answers all the questions of

each r

eflection assignment in a well

organized, cohesive way.


A title page:


Add a title page to your journal that includes your name, the class and submission date. Be creative and

give your journal a title that is a reflection of what you discussed throug

h reflection assignments.

How should it be submitted?




All assignments must be typed in a 12 point font, 1″ margins, double spaced, printed, and stapled with a

copy of the rubric attached. Be sure to also include a running header and page numbers. Papers that are not

stapled, missing running headers, page numb

ers, or a copy of the rubric when turned in will automatically

lose up to 5 points.


Be sure to proofread and spell check. Spelling and grammar errors will result in point deductions.

How will it be graded?


Your grade on this portion of the journal will be based on whether you answer the questions