Quantitative research design

Quantitative research design

Summarize Research Articles

Directions: Use the templates below when summarizing your research articles. Include a cover page and start a new page for each article summary. Use level 1 and 2 headings when composing the summaries to separate distinct parts.

Title of Quantitative Article

(Example of text: This article was authored by Watson and James and published in the Journal of Nursing Research in 2008. This article was selected as an example of a quasi-experimental design. The model summary selected for this paper is found in the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook. This is a summary of a quasi-experimental study in which though there is a comparison group; subjects were not randomly assigned to groups. The research article being summarized also is an experiment that used a comparison group without randomization.)

Problem Statement

Statement of Purpose

Research Question(s)/Hypothesis

Study Methods

Key Findings


Title of Qualitative Article

(Example of text: Ramirez (2008) studied adolescent depression and the influence of significant adults on the course of the depression. The model summary utilized is found in the Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice textbook. It was selected because it is an example of a grounded theory study, as is the article selected.)

Problem Statement

Statement of Purpose

Research Question(s)


Key Findings
