PSYC 436_ Applied Project

PSYC 436_ Applied Project

In your applied final project for this course, you will analyze a case study, select a diagnosis, create a treatment plan, and support your decisions with evidence from the course readings or outside scholarly resources.

STEP 1: Review the Case Report
Psychological Case Study

Name: Sam Martin Dates of Testing: 03/18/09; 03/25/09

Date of Birth: 03/21/1995 Age: 14 years

Gender: Male Grade: Eight

Background information:
Reportedly, Sam’s natural parents raised Sam, his older and his younger brother. Information shared by Sam’s mother, Jill Martin within a previous evaluation (03/31/2003) indicated that during preschool and the first grade Sam displayed difficulty with attention. Moreover, the report data indicated that by the second grade Sam was not doing his work.

Referral Question:
Sam’s mother referred him for psychological testing to assist in evaluating the need for accommodations related to her son’s academic plans for the upcoming year. The referral questions are: 1) Does Sam have emotional and academic problems that may affect his performance in the gifted program at school this year? 2) What accommodations will benefit Sam this year?

Current Symptoms:
Currently, Sam’s mother reported a concern about her son’s attention, auditory processing, attention to detail and overall mental processing of information. Sam’s mother reported that her son had displayed fluctuations in academic functioning thoroughout his childhood. She explained that previously, her son enrolled in advanced classes and data from a previous evaluation (03/31/03) suggested a superior level of intellectual functioning. Nevertheless, Ms. Martin explained that historically her son performance at school was variable as were his grades. Sam acknowledged that a teacher previously suggested that he might have symptoms of attention deficit disorder. She hoped that the current psychological evaluation would provide information relevant to her son’s current academic difficulties and provide remedial suggestions for enhanced cognitive functioning other than the prescribed medication.

Current Stressors: Reportedly, Sam’s girlfriend just broke up with Sam, and she stated that he was not fun enough and would not try new things. Sam reports a change in his mental functioning to include dizziness, strange thoughts and feelings, anger, apathy, and depression with mood swings. He acknowledged that he is losing weight, is more inattentive, and lacks coordination and feels weak. Ms. Martin stated that she has noted that he is showing impaired judgment.

Relevant History:
Sam’s mother explained that Sam’s developmental and medical history was unremarkable. Ms. Martin explained that her son was a quiet and bright child, achieved his developmental milestones early. Reportedly, he walked at eight months and used complete sentences at 17 months. Moreover, Ms. Martin, Sam’s mother acknowledged that her son learned to tie his shoes as expected; however, he took “forever” to learn to ride his bike. Ms. Martin reported two significant life events that occurred after her son’s previous evaluation at age 12. First, reportedly during the 8th grade, Sam had plastic surgery on his ears during which time he had significant academic difficulties, which resulted in below average grades. Secondly, Sam stated that at age 12 he was hit “head on” in a car accident. He explained that he “blanked out” after hitting his head on the window although he acknowledged that he did not pass out. Reportedly, although Ms. Martin acknowledged that her son had a concussion; Sam did not receive skull or neck x rays to check for bone fractures or injury nor does his mother recall any ratings reported from the Glasgow coma scale that could help assess the head injury. Ms. Martin did not disclose a family history of seizure disorder although she acknowledged close relatives with attention deficit disorder, affective disorder, and substance abuse difficulties. Reportedly, Sam has had numerous friends and various interests throughout his childhood. He was involved in the band, on the so