PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology


Circle the correct answer for every Question below, then answer the rationalization below each question in your own words, from your own schemata:

1. The effects of shifting time zones or doing shift work include all of the following EXCEPT

a. hallucinations. d. increased risk of mistakes.

b. decreased productivity. e. impaired attention & concentration.

c. irritability.

You eliminated one answer. What would it take to cause the thing you eliminated to occur? Explain in your own words in one small paragraph: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. REM sleep may be characterized by

a. decreased adrenaline. d. more frequent and vivid dreams.

b. decreased brain activity. e. slow & regular heart rate.

c. sleepwalking.

You chose one correct answer. In which stages do each of these other four phenomenon occur?

i) _______________________________________________________________________________________

ii) _______________________________________________________________________________________

iii) _______________________________________________________________________________________

iv) _______________________________________________________________________________________

3. When we first fall asleep after being sleep deprived, our brain attempts to catch up on the missed REM sleep before the missed deep sleep. This is called

a. REM sleep deprivation.

b. deep sleep deprivation.

c. REM sleep rebound.

d. paradoxical sleep.

How long does it take to get caught up after being sleep deprived? Explain in your own words: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Sleepwalking and sleep terrors are most likely to occur during ________ sleep.

a. REM d. stage 3

b. stage 1 e. stage 4

c. stage 2

What is sleepwalking? What phenomenon is occurring?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are night terrors? What phenomenon is occurring?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Individuals who experience periods of time during the night when their breathing stops may be diagnosed with

a. narcolepsy. c. insomnia.

b. sleep apnea. d. somniloquy.

What is the treatment for this? Is it curable? Explain these answers in your own words: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. According to Freud, dreams are

a. continuations of the mental processes occurring when the person falls asleep.

b. an expression of our unconscious desires and needs.

c. not very meaningful.

d. combinations of random neural signals.

What do YOU think dreams are? Explain in your own words: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. The three stages of memory (not memory storage) in sequence are:

a. short-term memory, long-term memory, and retrieval.

b. encoding, storage, and retrieval.

c. encoding, retrieval, and forgetting.

d. sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

Explain each stage in your own words:




8. Lacey can remember how to ride a bike and how to drive a car. These are examples of

a. procedural memory. c. episodic memory.

b. implicit memory. d. semantic memory.

Why can’t Lacey remember the information on her vocabulary test last week? Tell me in your own words: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Ramone watched an episode of American Idol and saw 12 singers perform. Later his wife asked about the performers, and he could only remember the last 3 singers who performed. This is an example of

a. a flashbulb memory. c. the primacy effect.

b. episodic memory. d. the recency effect.

What if he had remembered one of the earlier singers because she reminded him of an old girlfriend? What kind of memory would that have been? Explain: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Alexander went to the phone to call his parents and accidentally dialed their old number instead of their new number. This is an example of

a. the primacy effect. c. proactive interference.

b. the recency effect. d. retroactive interference.

He remembered the number with area code easily in three sections of three/three/four numbers. What is this process of remembering called? Give me another example of when you use this process? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. When students answer multiple choice exams, the instructor is using which measure of retrieval?

a. recall b. recognition c. relearning d. None of the above

This exam type does not involve much higher order or critical thinking. What type of exam questioning would require a student to think more and draw from their own schemata? Explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Many people can recall vivid details about what we were doing and who we were with when we heard about the terrorist attacks on 9/11. This is an example of

a. imagery. c. the primacy effect.

b. state-dependent learning. d. flashbulb memories.

You may have been too young to remember 9/11. Do you have a very vivid memory from Hurricane Rita? What is it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. In Pavlov’s study of classical conditioning, the dog’s salivation to the bell was the

a. unconditioned stimulus. c. unconditioned response.

b. conditioned stimulus. d. conditioned response.

What would the dog’s initial salivation to the meat be considered? ____________________________________

What would the initial presentation of the meat powder be considered? ________________________________

What about the presentation of the bell? ________________