Power Point Task: Implications If Lobbying Efforts

Power Point Task: Implications If Lobbying Efforts

power point task: Implications if lobbying efforts do not succeed code 009004002019DD

Urgency : 4 to 6 hours

Would you please get this clearly.

It’s a group work but I have one part to handle

My PowerPoint part is :

My power point is: Implications if lobbying efforts do not succeed

You said it’s a group work

Summarize your prrsentatjon in two slides

Here is general instructions for the Group ;
Feel free to just check through.to get an idea of the general topic

In this assignment, you will work in a group to identify a current health care legislative issue and prepare a PowerPoint presentation with slide notes.

This health care issue can impact your role, the setting, the scope of practice, or the population in the community you serve.

Refer to the website of your state legislature to research current legislative issues and identify appropriate steps.

Include the following in a 12-15 slide PowerPoint submission:

A description of the health care issue, and how it relates to your role, setting, scope of practice, or community population.
A description of the proposed legislation and your group’s stance on whether it should be passed.
Methods to track a bill and participate in lobbying efforts.

An outline of lobbying remarks, appropriate for the target audience, bill’s intent, and goal of supporting or not supporting its passage.

Implications if lobbying efforts do not succeed.

Make sure to include slide notes of 100-250 words for each slide.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content

I am only responsible for 1 power point will submit what’s expected of me via email

My power point is: Implications if lobbying efforts do not succeed

General rubric
