Politics And Social Issues

Politics And Social Issues

Please make sure to read the assigned readings we used until now, Sections I and II of the Readings for Diversity and Social Justice. After you have gone through the material, please answer ONE of the following sets of questions in a well-structured and comprehensive answer. Please make sure to address ALL parts of the question.

Your answers should be at least 700 words (total for all parts of the question), and include 2-3 additional sources, beside the textbook. The suggestions for additional sources can be found in the textbook; you can also include news sources.

Remember: any information and ideas that do not come directly from your head MUST BE CITED in text and the full citations must be provided at the end of your answer. You need to cite the text book and any additional source you use.

After you finished composing your answer, please read through the answers of your peers. Please write a thoughtful response to TWO posts from your peers–FROM THE OTHER SET. Please make sure to support your arguments with evidence in your own post, as well as responses to your peers. Each of your responses should be at least 150 words in length.

Again, I suggest you compose your answers first in Word and then past them into the discussion.

The main answers are due on Thursday by 11:59pm. Responses are due on Saturday by 11:59pm.

Set #1: In constructing your answers, please draw from Section II readings.

Using the concepts of race, racial stereotyping, racial prejudice, racism, and active racist behavior, how do historical experiences of the racial and ethnic groups in the US compare: Native Americans, African Americans, Chicanos, Asian Americans, European Americans, and Jewish Americans? In what ways are the experiences of those groups similar and different?

How do the historical patterns you explained earlier compare to the experiences of the new immigrants today?

Given the conceptual and empirical points made earlier, what has and how has it impacted your own sociocultural identity? Please provide a detailed explanation and specific examples to support your answer.