Pharmacology week 2 case studies

Pharmacology week 2 case studies

M.T. is an 18-month-old, 20-kg male who presents to the emergency department in status epilepticus, which has continued for approximately 20 minutes. He was brought to the emergency department from a small community via a family vehicle. He has not received any care at this point. The nursing staff has attempted several intravenous line insertions but were unable to gain access. M.T. continues to convulse without interruption.

1. Which of the following would be the most appropriate route of administration for an anticonvulsant to consider for M.T. and why?

a) Intramuscular

b) Percutaneous

c) Subcutaneous

d) Rectal

2. Midazolam is a benzodiazepine that can be used effectively for status epilepticus. Which of the following routes of administration has been used effectively for the delivery of midazolam when intravenous access in unobtainable?

a) Percutaneous

b) Mucosal

c) Oral

d) Subcutaneous

3. Which of the following is true regarding the percutaneous absorption of medications?

a) The absorption of compounds is inversely related to the thickness of the skin

b) The absorption of compounds is inversely related to the hydration of the skin

c) Body surface area (BSA) is decreased, relative to body mass, in the infant and young child when compared with older children and adults