Personality Disorder

Personality Disorder

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read Chapter 10 of your course text. Pay close attention to the two case illustrations in section 10.4 as these may inform the creation of your own illustration in your initial post. Also read the Clarkin, Cain, and Livesley (2015), Kealy, Steinberg, and Ogrodniczuk (2015), and the Miller, Few, Lynam, and MacKillop (2015) articles.

For this discussion, select one of the personality disorders discussed in chapter 10. Then select one of the seven models of personality covered in this course. Develop a fictional case illustration that uses the theories in your selected model to explain the development and causes of the chosen disorder. Include a brief discussion of possible therapeutic interventions based on your chosen model. Your initial post should be a minimum of 300 words and should incorporate at least one peer-reviewed article.

Guided Response: Respond substantively to at least two of your peers. Select one classmate who has chosen a different personality disorder than you did. Analyze the fictional case presented and provide feedback on the explanation of the development and causes of your peer’s chosen disorder. Suggest other elements related to the model that might be included. If possible, also respond to a classmate who has chosen the same disorder as you have but has approached it from a different theoretical perspective. Compare and contrast your analysis to those of your classmates.