Pender’s. PEERS reply theory

Pender’s. PEERS reply theory

The term health promotion can be used to refer to the process of attempting to help individuals to achieve better and healthier lifestyles through behavioral and lifestyle changes as well as through supporting them to be better self-managers. The use of the health promotion model can help improve the welfare of individuals. This model requires healthcare providers to offer patients resources that will help them in achieving certain specific objectives or changes. According to this model, the well-being of a person entails more than just the lack of illnesses. The model focuses on three core areas as shown in figure 1 below. According to the theory, each person has unique traits and experiences that determine their actions. On the other hand, the second component of this model is comprised of factors that influence an individual’s motivation to engage in certain activities. These factors can be modified through nursing interventions thus leading to behavior outcome and consequently better health.

Based on the above facts, it is evident that the health promotion model is ideal for improving the well-being of Mrs. Richards. The patient’s current situation is as a result of her past experiences which include the death of her husband and children. Through the health promotion model, the nurse should motivate and provide an enabling environment for her to quit drugs and accept the reality concerning the death of her husband and children. Achieving this objective would help her to deal with her depression thus leading to better health outcomes.

Article That Supports the Application of The Health Promotion Model in Clinical Practice

Khodaveisi, M., Omidi, A., Farokhi, S., & Soltanian, A. R. (2017). 131: The effect of Pender’s health promotion model in improving the nutritional behavior of overweight and obese women. BMJ Open, 7(Suppl 1). Retrieved from bmjopen-2016-015415.131. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015415.131


Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model (HPM) is a predictive nursing theory that may be applied to care for clients in a holistic manner and promote healthy behaviors (Joseph, P., 2016).