Nursing Essay- Scholarly- With References

 Nursing Essay- Scholarly- With References


Answer all of the following questions using headers to separate topics.

Attack or defend the following statement and then explain what you would do, in concrete terms, to improve things in your involvement or what you have observed. “It seems that the people behind the new computerized systems perceive that the people who work here and the roles they play are to make the computer’s job easier as opposed to the systems being here to help transform average healthcare workers into super workers.”
It has been argued that getting nursing involved in the implementation of all of the computer systems in healthcare is a good thing, but doing that is in conflict with current patient care and the reality that many nurses are uncomfortable with some of the changes they see and would rather not be involved. To what extend does this resonate with your personal experience? What do you believe are the key prerequisites that must be addressed before enough of the right nurses and other key role players in the healthcare process and what concrete steps would you recommend to address these and why?
Chapter 5 in the text provides a perspective for implementing Clinical Information Systems. From your experience, what are the more critical issues or concerns you have with the material presented in this chapter and what would you advocate should be done to improve the likelihood that such projects would be successful. (You can address technical issues, skill issues, change and fear issues, as well as business and/or leadership issues.)
Chapter 6 focuses on the Electronic Medical Records and physician adoption and utilization. Reflect on your experiences with physicians and other key, scarce, and therefore costly healthcare professionals. How well do you believe these professionals would react to the kinds of changes and approaches covered in the chapter. Have the authors done a good job addressing the really key issues and concerns? If not what did they miss? To what extend do you believe what is advocated would work in your environment or healthcare facilities with which you are familiar? Sketch what you might propose be done differently, if anything.