Nature/Nurture Essay

Nature/Nurture Essay

Based on what you have learned about emotion and motivation, as well as biological (nature) and environmental/social (nurture) factors, explore the debate on what is known about the causes of aggressive behavior. Include the following sections in your essay.

Introduction Paragraph

Body Paragraphs:

Nature: Biological Basis of Behavior

Is one gender naturally (genetically) more or less aggressive than the other gender? Why or why not? Discuss evidence to support your position. (Refer to specific theories, models, and research of particular psychologists in this section of the paper.)

Nurture: Social and Environmental Influences on Behavior

Does exposure to aggressive behavior in the environment (i.e. home, role models, caregivers, media – TV, movies, music, and video games), encourage or discourage aggressive behavior? Discuss evidence to support your position. (Refer to specific theories, models, and research of particular psychologists in this section of the paper.)

Conclusion Paragraph

Based on what you have learned about biological and environmental influences on behavior, which plays a more influential role in helping us understand aggression?

Requirements: Length = approximately 2-3 pages.