Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Vs. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)

Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Vs. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)

The MCO is a group of medical providers and facilities that provide care to its members at a reduced cost. Many MCO’s require the patient to have a primary care provider. The ACO is a group of medical providers and medical facilities that work together to provider collaborative care to its members. The ACO doesn’t require the member to have a primary care provider. The providers work together voluntarily to provider care as a medical team for the patient. The different specialties work with each other to treat the patient with continuity of care. The information is shared so that all the providers that are treating the patient are aware of the medications, tests, hospital visits, and treatment the patient has currently and the past treatments. The providers that are part of the MCO’s don’t work as a team to provider collaborative care to the patients. They don’t strive to work together to treat the patient with the team approach like providers in the ACO’s strive for. The MCO groups can share information if it is requested. The focus is not continuity of care. Some providers send their notes to the referring provider as a courtesy. The ACO’s are still changing to become better. The MCO’s and ACO’s may transform and merge into one entity to meet the needs of consumers. They both are similar enough to the point where I think they can be combined with the best interest of the consumer in mind. I believe that we can take the best features from both of them. Considering the current health care environment , continuity of care is important. This is the best way to treat the patient with the best possible outcome. Having the providers work together as a team avoids having the patient take medications that interact, repeating the same tests, and other wasteful or harmful medical practice. This approach can also reduce the cost of medical care. The cost of medical care is constantly increasing and I think this is a way to reduce the cost of medical care. This will help control wasteful spending.