Legislative Action and Reflection

Legislative Action and Reflection

Legislative Action and Reflection

The path to becoming a clinical mental health professional has required you to develop strong personal skills, including skills in self-care, but fortunately you haven’t had to do it all by yourself. Throughout this course, you have been working with your peers, and together you have been making social change over the weeks of this course. This week, you and your peers will continue to pursue positive social change by advocating for legislative action.

For this Discussion, you will prepare to contact a legislative representative to advocate for legislative action on a topic that interests you, and you will reflect on how personal actions on advocacy can impact you and your current and future clients.

To Prepare:

· Review Part 3 of your Final Project and look for what you found compelling and would seek for further advocacy opportunities.

· Search the ACA websites (Including the ACA branches site) in this week’s Learning Resources to research current legislative concerns in the counseling profession, and select one legislative concern that interests you.

· Based on the issue you chose, determine whom to contact: your federal, state, or local elected official.

· Compose an email or letter to the chosen elected official about the legislative concern.

. Note: Your letter or email will be more effective if you address a single topic or issue rather than a variety of issues you may feel passionate about. Typed, 1-page letters are best. Many Political Action Committees (PACs) recommend a three-paragraph letter that is straightforward and to the point.

. Review the web article “Tips for Writing Effective Letters to Congress” in the Learning Resources for more recommendations on writing your e-mail or letter.

. Cite at least two scholarly articles in the email or letter to support your position.

. Keep the email or letter succinct (no more than 3 paragraphs).


The Honorable Bill Cassidy

United State Senate

Washington, DC 20510

Senator Bill Cassidy,

My name is Nadine Vitenas and I am studying counseling the concerns for more advocacy in our society. I am concerned about price transparency. Prices of medical services should be transparent and clear when completing your medical visits. I am aware that Congress will be discussing the term on healthcare in January and I hope that you find my research applicable to your case of making medical care prices transparent.

What is the price transparency movement? The AMA Journal of Ethics describes price transparency as, “This movement has been made possible in recent years by a variety of new websites and tools that provide information directly to patients about the charges that they could face”(AMA). According to this article in the AMA Journal of Ethics patients receive services that will not help them get better, “First, we physicians should take ownership of our clinical decisions and make sure they are actually going to make our patients better” (AMA). A law should be in place for physicians to provide patients with services that are only essential for the betterment of their diagnosis.

Who would support us in our quest to change price transparency? Honestly, everyone. No person wants to receive a check in the mail after they have already paid a lump sum of money at the doctor. Most times patients will not be informed that they will receive an invoice after paying a fee at their health care physician’s office or hospital or urgent care. Democrats and Republicans would be for this law passing because it involves the secretive management of costs.


Nadine Vitenas

22 Cressington Drive

Marietta, GA 30067




The Honorable Lindsey Graham 290 Russell Senate Office Building United States Senate Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator (Graham):

My name is Jolly Perkins, I am a student at Walden University, and I am writing to address the concern of law enforcement officers and the need for better counseling techniques. I am currently training to become a counselor, and I also served in the field of law enforcement for over six years. During my time I, along with my fellow officers, suffered tragedy both at home and at work, but many of us failed to seek counseling. There are several reasons for this, but I would like to address two with you. First, officers do not like seeking counseling, because they feel that they should be able to handle whatever comes there way (Wester, Arndt, Sedivy, and Arndt, 2010). Second, officers do not desire to attend facilities where people they have arrested may be required to attend (Fair, 2009).