Human Growth and Development

Human Growth and Development

Please read instructions carefully & completely!

Interview a relatively old friend or family member. You are free to add and/or substitute questions to accommodate questions that do not result in much information. Please be sure to describe who this person is.

follow attached documents labelled the life review

this must be competed in essay format using APA answering all interview questions at least 400 words

spelling & grammar checked no plagiarism


In late adulthood people often struggle to find meaning and purpose in their lives and in their deaths. This process is often assisted by an engaging in a technique called a life review. Life Review interviews may be undertaken for a variety of purposes including diagnostic, where the goal is to identify issues to be addressed therapeutically, personal reminiscence, or the creation of an oral history that leaves a permanent record of experiences and information for future generations. A Life Review maybe a formal interview, with a series of questions and responses, or a free-flowing conversation between interviewer and subject. Please listen to this podcast on Dignity Therapy for information on this technique which has been attached and here is link:

For additional questions you might explore visit

For some things to keep in mind if you choose to interview someone other than yourself visit


The goal of this assignment is to provide you the opportunity to demonstrate your working knowledge of course concepts by applying them to a person’s life. In your essay, you must link the responses to the interview questions to course material. Each of the examples provided below illustrate how a response to a question should look – including the required reference. Ideally, EACH QUESTION that is answered should include a CONCEPT from the textbook, as well as a CITATION from the text.

You must document how the answers from your interviewee link to information learned from our text about the various life stages. Be sure to make it clear exactly how the concepts you cite relate to the response of the person being interviewed.

Each question must be answered with a well-constructed paragraph using proper punctuation, mechanics and grammar.

You must conclude with a final paragraph indicating how you could envision using the Life Review Interview technique either professionally or personally.

You can list each question and answer it – but be sure that you are writing in complete sentences.