Homework For Statistiecs For Psych Sci

Homework For Statistiecs For Psych Sci

Notes on Introduction / Discussion and Writing Assignment 3 (Intro Outline)

I. Your Introduction and your Discussion These writing assignments have been created to give you the framework for writing scientific, APA-style papers and reports. Throughout the semester we will focus on different parts of an APA style paper. The goal of these units is to prepare you to write a fully-integrated psychology paper that will be concise, coherent, and accurate.

An APA-style paper that conveys research results typically contains the following parts:

Title Page Abstract Introduction Method Participants or Subjects Measures, Materials or Apparatus Procedure and Design Results Discussion References Tables and Figures (if appropriate) Appendix (key SPSS output)

For this assignment, you are only writing an outline of your introduction, but keep in mind that you should be writing between 3-4 pages for your paper. Let’s start with a few basics of writing a technical paper.

• You paper should be a result of a careful thought process. DO NOT write your paper the night before, it will show

• Your paper should be grammatically correct • Your paper should read as well out loud as it does on the page • Paragraphs generally (though not always) consist of at least five sentences • Commas should be used appropriately—NOT necessarily wherever Microsoft Word

tells you to put them • Papers should be carefully proofread before submission to catch typos that MS Word

does not pick up such as misspellings (for example, “hat” when you meant to say “that”)

• Papers must be stapled in the upper left corner. Report covers, binders, etc. are not appropriate for this assignment and will cause loss of points.

• All papers must be in proper APA format (citations, margins, everything!). Remember, articles that are published look differently than the model for this class. You are submitting a manuscript in manuscript format.

• Generally avoid use of “we” or “I” if alternative language can fit; it is okay to have a few instances of first-person writing, but try to reword (e.g., “the goal of the present study…” rather than “our goal”)

• This is a technical paper, not a reflective one or a journal entry. Take a “just the facts” approac