Hematology/Cardiac Handout -Neurology

Hematology/Cardiac Handout -Neurology

4 assignments w/ 35 dollars

2-3 sentences each

Do not Plagiarize

Anti-infective Medications

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Save your name to the document to receive credit and for easier verification.

Answer in 25 words or less if possible.

Use your own words only.

1) What is the mechanism of action for prednisone?

2) What are two side effects of taking prednisone?

3) What type of nursing care should you provide to patients taking prednisone?

4) Name one contraindication of taking prednisone.

5) What explanation could you offer to your patient to explain the safety of a “7-day tapering course of prednisone” order?

6) What would be an indication for blood cultures?

7) Describe the process for obtaining blood cultures.

8) Discuss the difference between viral infection and bacterial infection.

9) Give an example of a viral infection and how it is treated.

10) Give an example of a bacterial infection and how it is treated.

11) What is a nursing diagnosis and associated intervention for a patient with an infectious disease?

12) What is a gram-negative bacterium and name a medication that is used for treatment?

13) What is a gram-positive bacterium and name a medication that is used for treatment?

14) Describe the mechanism of action for each type of penicillin (Remember in your own words). Provide an example.

Penicillin Mechanism of Action Example

15) What nursing education would you provide to a patient who is prescribed penicillin?