Healthcare Budget Request

Healthcare Budget Request

Part one of the assignment

The following exercise will help orient you to the basic functionality of Microsoft Excel in preparation for FE001 Assessment Part 1. To complete this optional exercise, you will need:

· This section of the Healthcare Budget Request Workbook: Step-by-Step Guide

· The Excel file “Clinic.xlsx”, located in the Learning Resources

1) Download and open the file “Clinic.xlsx” located in the Learning Resources.

Note : An open Excel file is also referred to as a workbook .

2) Spreadsheets organize screens of data by using columns and rows. Columns are labeled with letters and rows with numbers. The intersection of a row and column is referred to as a cell . Cell locations, or addresses , are identified based on the letter of the column and the number of the row. For example, the first cell in the spreadsheet is referred to as “A1”. Cell addresses are always shown in the Address box near the top of the screen.

3) Notice the tabs at the bottom of the screen that read “HealthWaysBudget” and “HealthwaysFinancials”. When clicked, these tabs open separate worksheets (individual pages used to organize different categories of data within a workbook).

4) In Excel, you can create many different worksheets within a single workbook. For example, in this workbook the HealthWaysBudget worksheet presents a budget report for the organization, while the HealthwaysFinancials worksheet presents several financial statements for the organization.

Note : Financial statements will be discussed in more detail later in later Competencies.

5) Create a new tab in this workbook. To do so:

a. Click on the New sheet (“+” symbol) at the bottom of the screen.

b. To name the worksheet, double-click the tab and type “Practice”.

Note : You can also rename the new tab by right-clicking the tab and selecting “Rename”.

6) Note that there are various types of data used in Excel:

· Text is data that utilize letters. Numbers can also be used in text data. However, these numbers must be used in conjunction with letters or must manually be set to text.

· Numerical data utilize numbers exclusively. Unlike text data, which can use numbers, numerical data cannot contain letters.

· Currency/Accounting data utilize numbers in conjunction with a currency marker.

· Dates are pieces of data that denote a date and/or time. There are multiple formats for dates within Excel.

· Percentage data are a subset of numerical data that is converted into a percentage. Percentage data can be converted back into numeric, and vice versa. Converting to numeric from percentage will display the number as a decimal. For example, 89% would be converted to 0.89.

7) Enter the following text and numeric values on the Practice worksheet in the cell locations shown below:

8) Note that the text in columns H and I may be cut off as you type in adjacent columns. This is because the column is not currently wide enough to display the text without overlapping into the next column. To adjust column widths: