HCA 320 Essentials Of Managed Care Unit Final Exam

HCA 320 Essentials Of Managed Care Unit Final Exam

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1. Health care concerns shared by the U.S., China and India include concerns over ____________.

a. the consolidated financial mechanism

b. lack of spending at the local level

c. the low number of specialists

d. lifestyle issues and behaviors

2. Investor-owned facilities comprise about ____________ percent of the hospital sector.

a. 15-20

b. 30-35

c. 55-60

d. 75-80

3. Organizations within the health care industry have increasingly consolidated into ____________

over the past two decades with the stated objective of being more efficient, but may not operate

as such.

a. community care centers

b. corporations

c. systems

d. foundations

4. Schools of management thought have evolved over the past ____________ to provide

conceptual maps of how to deal with internal and external challenges.

a. century

b. decade

c. year

d. None of the above.

5. The Human Relations School ascertains that in order to improve productivity, management

must ____________.

a. implement the top-down control of work

b. minimize the input of workers

c. offer monetary incentives

d. understand the informal organization of workers

6. This school of management is also known as the “Neo Weberian” model:

a. classical school

b. human relations school

c. decision-making school

d. scientific school

7. Sociologists have long taken the _____________ in describing the embeddedness of human

behavior in social relationships.

a. social network approach

b. systems approach

c. perspectives approach

d. None of the above.

8. The decision-making school is focused on _____________.

a. physicians

b. middle managers

c. top executives

d. blue collar workers

9. One school of modern strategic management encompasses an emphasis on _____________.

a. industry net-worth

b. top-down decision making

c. industry structure and competitive forces

d. deliberate corporate rationality

10. _____________ (INDs) can fill the structural hole between independent physician groups who

can jointly develop and implement care management practices.

a. Integrated delivery networks

b. Independent doctor networks

c. Interdependent development networks

d. Independent decision networks

11. _____________ are a domain in which strong professional forces confront a host of

institutional and market forces.

a. HPRs

b. PHOs

c. ISMs

d. All of the above. 7

Final Examination

HCA 320 Essentials of Managed Care

12. ____________ can be defined as the process in which one engages others to set and achieve a

common goal, often an organizationally defined goal.

a. Management

b. Leadership

c. Power

d. None of the above.

13. ____________ provide supervision directly to care providers.

a. Front-line mangers

b. Top managers

c. Middle managers

d. All of the above.

14. ____________ have responsibility for entire units within the health care organization.

a. Front-line mangers

b. Top managers

c. Middle managers

d. All of the above.

15. An example work plan is also known as a ____________ Chart.

a. Gantt

b. Weber

c. Levy

d. management

16. One of the key roles of the C-Suite is to interact with key ____________.

a. external stakeholders

b. managers

c. union leaders

d. producers

17. A critical role of leadership is ____________ setting.

a. agenda

b. mission

c. objective

d. goal 8

Final Examination

HCA 320 Essentials of Managed Care

18. Which of the following is not a step in the strategic problem solving process?

a. define the problem

b. set the overall objective

c. conduct a root cause analysis

d. all are steps in the strategic problem solving process

19. Performance outcomes in health care are classified into three major categories:

(1) patient-related, (2) staff-related, and (3) ____________-related.

a. community

b. stakeholder

c. government

d. management

20. The complexity and difficulty of leading health care organizations (HCOs) in a dynamic world

has spurred interest in identifying _____________.

a. avenues of change

b. competencies

c. novel health practices

d. directives

21. Studies have identified two types of support that those in leadership roles must provide for

successful change: instrumental and _____________ support.

a. industrial

b. proactive

c. interpersonal

d. unconventional

22. Processing the stress related to leadership action is recommended as a routine approach to

self-_____________ in leadership positions.

a. fulfillment

b. care

c. destruction