H440HSA4124 Rasmussen College Section 2 Norway Health System Essay

H440HSA4124 Rasmussen College Section 2 Norway Health System Essay

The country is Norway

The rough draft for your course project is now due.

Your rough draft should include a cover slide, the body of the slide, and a reference slide. The presentation should demonstrate a strong thesis statement about your chosen country and its healthcare system.

The presentation should be 10 – 20 slides long. (not including title and reference slide). Your research should include at least five research resources. The presentation must use in-text citations and references in APA format.

You will bring your assignment all together for this rough draft for this week, which will be a PowerPoint presentation. Remember, this project is based on the country that you chose during Module 1 that you have been completing your assignments for these past modules. Your presentation should be in APA format and 10 to 20 slides (not including your title or reference page). Each slide should have a header that corresponds with the information the rubric (Sections on information about the country; history of the current healthcare system; facts that affect the health system; challenges and issues; future health projection based on resources needed to address the healthcare issues; comparison to the U.S. health system ). If your country is the United States, compare it to another country.

Module 04 Course Project – Rough Draft

Scoring Rubric:



Organization – Covered all key parts of the assignment:

Cover Page
10 to 20 slides long (not including title or reference page).
A reference page with at least 5 research sources
A strong thesis statement about the chosen country’s healthcare system
Sections on information about the country; history of the current healthcare system; facts that affect the health system; challenges and issues; future health projection based on resources needed to address the healthcare issues; comparison to the U.S. health system.

Analysis and Comprehension – Demonstrated knowledge of the chosen country and its healthcare system. The paper shows significant insights, supported reasoning, and logical analysis of the healthcare issues facing the selected country.


Research – Student used examples and references from the five required research resources, as well as any additional texts, Web sites, articles, other references, and/or personal experience. Demonstrated the ability to conduct independent research, locate and identify information on the topic, organize that information, and clearly analyze and present that information.