Forum 1 Replies

Forum 1 Replies


Reply to 2 classmates for each forum. You must explain briefly (150-200 words) why you agree or disagree with your classmate’s view. Your replies must be in response to classmates who answered a different question than you and significantly add to the discussion. You are required to include at least one reference in each reply. Remember to use APA formatting.


Shannon Post:

Interpretation is an important technique that is used in the psychoanalytic theory. Freud explained that if interpretations are made too soon, they can cause resistance from the client. He also stated that one must form a positive relationship with their therapist before interpretations are made (Murdock, 2017). In the video presentation of Helen, who is being counseled by Dr. Donavan, we see several instances of interpretation being used. Dr. Donavan is careful not to speak too soon during the session, but rather he waits until Helen has finished explaining the dream to him. Dr. Donavan used interpretation to show the comparison between Helen’s dream and what she was facing in real life. The river was like her everyday life, in which she was just basically floating along without being “noticed”. Helen even told the therapist that her son was the only one who acknowledged that she was floating by. The professor in both the dream and in their meeting expressed concern and worry for Helen, which is something that she is not getting at home. Dr. Donavan was able to help Helen explore the idea that the dream represented the inner struggle she was feeling between returning to her career or continuing to dedicate her time to her husband and children.

I thought the way Dr. Donavan used open ended questions when talking to Helen was helpful. He was not quick to jump to conclusions but let Helen lead the conversation, which led to him being able to effectively make interpretations about her dream. Even though Helen waited two weeks to tell Dr. Donavan about running into her old professor, I felt that she was comfortable in their client/therapist relationship and that the techniques he used during their session were beneficial to her.
