Final Case Study and Recommendations

Final Case Study and RecommendationsIn this assignment, you will finalize your case study making
recommendations for needed services and planning for their
implementation. You will create two documents for this assignment, one
paper of 8–10 pages as the final course project and a PowerPoint
presentation of 8–10 slides with speakers notes. The PowerPoint
presentation should be made to a hypothetical team of professionals
working on the issues in your case study. It should summarize your
analysis of the case study including theoretical orientation and
recommended service implementation.
Paper – In Unit 5, you conducted a literature review, which most
likely revealed many new perspectives, approaches, and solutions to
problems. This week, you will revise your submissions from Unit 3, 5
and 7 to construct your final course paper. Each of those units should
be combined to create one document that is integrated and presents a
holistic perspective of human service theories, service delivery
models, and roles. Respond to any questions related to ethical
conflicts and dilemmas presented in Unit 3. Incorporate
recommendations for the case study and what functions each of the
human service professionals will perform in the case study.
PowerPoint​ – Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following:
•Introduction ◦Provide an overview of the case study you have chosen
to focus on for your final course paper.
•Areas for exploration and next steps ◦In more detail, describe 2–3
big ideas you have already started to uncover because of your
literature review. Describe the roles and responsibilities of the
human service professionals you selected for your case study. Cite the
Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals linked in the
Resources as you discuss ethical considerations.