Evaluation Criteria Addictions

Evaluation Criteria Addictions

Whether you are a case manager in a rural clinic, a prison, or a regional hospital’s treatment center, effective programs adhere to certain principles and guidelines. Within those settings, effective case managers follow practices that meet the competing demands of the job. These include clients’ needs, requirements of the treatment team, and procedures for ensuring the program’s efficient and effective operations. These practices can be grouped together to form the best practices for case management in addictions.

For this Assignment, you will evaluate criteria for best practices for case management for addictions.

To prepare for this Assignment, review learning resources and activities for case management addiction evaluations. Identify principles that are considered best practices for case management for addictions.


Given the knowledge of best practices and case management principles, create an evaluation criteria checklist that could be used across addiction treatment settings of all kind. Include a brief description under each item of your checklist. 2-3 pages

References to help

Summers, N. (2012). Fundamentals of case management practice: Skills for the human services (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage.

National Institute of Corrections. (2004). Implementing evidence-based practice in community corrections: The principles of effective intervention. Boston, MA: Community Resources for Justice.

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