Electronic Databases

Electronic Databases

Using the UMUC Library electronic databases, find an article from a recent issue of a peer-reviewed journal related to the biological basis of psychology, sensation and perception, or memory and cognition. The article should describe specifically an experimental manipulation by the researchers. Prepare a 2–4 page summary of the article in your own words including specifics regarding the overall purpose of the research in question, a clear statement of the researcher’s hypothesis, details regarding the study methodology, and pertinent results of the manipulation. Be sure to cite the article appropriately at the end of your review. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to APA style.


Rubric Name: Article Review


Clear and concise explanation of the reasons behind the study including previous research in the area and a clearly stated hypothesis.

Somewhat clear explanation of the reasons behind the study and clearly stated hypothesis.

Some vague explanation of the reasons behind the study and no clearly stated hypothesis

Little mention of the reasons behind the study and no clearly stated hypothesis.

No mention of the reasons behind the study and no clearly stated hypothesis.

Clear detailed description of the participants and methods used to perform the research.

Attempt to describe the participants and methods used to perform the research.

Adequate description of the participants and methods used to perform the research.

Vague the participants and methods used to perform the research.

No description.

Clear statement of the main results of the study.  Detailed discussion of the researcher’s conclusions.

Some reporting of results. Clear discussion of the researcher’s conclusions.

Adequate description of the results of the study.  Some mention of the researcher’s conclusions.

Vague statement of the main results of the study.  No discussion of the researcher’s conclusions

No description of results.

Thorough examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research.  Detailed ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. Comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. Thoughtful overall impression of the study.

Thorough examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research.  No ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. Comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. Thoughtful overall impression of the study.

Some examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research.  No ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. Comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. No overall impression of the study.

Vague examination of the positive and negative aspects of the research.  No ideas of how the research might be improved or expanded. No comprehensive statement regarding the implications of the research. No overall impression of the study.

Didn’t write at all.

Clearly written and well articulated. No errors.

Clearly written and well articulated but a few errors.

Somewhat well written and articulated with a few errors.

Not well written or articulated with many errors.

Didn’t write at all.

Overall Score