DSL Design Methodology EvaluationRubric

DSL Design Methodology

CISC-603 DSL Design Methodology Evaluation Rubric.docx

DSL Design Methodology Evaluation Rubric

Course: CISC 603 Theory of Computation Instructor: Chad Van Chu Date: / /

Student Name:

Methodology Evaluation

Question Clear and concise problem stated that is testable. Identifies the question in an unclear manner, but is still testable. Identifies only part of the question, but is still testable No clear and concise problem stated . 2
Review of Literatures You have to find at least 4 related journal/conference articles from e.g., IEEE, ACM, or any

referred journal or conference publication related to your selected domain.

Evidence of 4 Evidence of 3 Evidence of 2 or less 2
Hypothesis Follows “if…then… because” format.

Is related to the question.

Clearly defines controls vs. variables

Predicts with correct facts.

Evidence of 4 Evidence of 3 Evidence of 2 or less 2
Material Dataset, Codes, Scripts, etc. Lists all materials Lists some materials Lists some of the materials
Body of Methodology Data Mining project’s objectives, tasks, and steps. Lists all in a sequential order that are not easily followed.

Provides diagrams of all set ups.

Lists all steps in a sequential order that are not easily followed.


Provides some diagrams of set ups.

Lists steps in an order that are not sequential, not easily followed, or incomplete.

Provides some diagrams of set ups.

Results All data is recorded and organized in a clear manner. All visible observations are provided.

Complete and correct analysis

of data is provided.

Errors of Experimentation are provided.

All data is recorded and organized in a clear manner. All visible observations are provided.

Analysis of data is provided

with a few errors.

Errors of experimentation are provided.

All data is recorded and organized in a clear manner. Visible observations are missing.

Analysis of data is provided

with a few errors.

Errors of experimentation are provided.

Incorrect data is provided regardless of inclusion or

presentation of all other criteria.

Conclusion Restates the hypothesis, supports or refutes it and explains the role of the test in making the decision Restates the hypothesis and supports or refutes it Supports or refutes the hypothesis without restating it Does not address the hypothesis 2
Clarity of Topic Includes a clear title which gives specific information about main topic. Includes a title which gives information about the main topic. Includes a title that gives some information about the main topic. Missing a title or statement of the main topic. 2
Details of


Includes all details from research and has clear labels, phrases, or sentence descriptions. Includes most details from research and has clear labels or phrases. Includes some details from research and has labels or phrases. Includes only a few details from research using labels or phrases. 2
Effectiveness Viewer has a thorough understanding of topic researched. Backboard includes specific examples and/or illustrations in an organized manner. Viewer has an understanding of the topic researched. Backboard includes examples and /or illustrations. Viewer has some understanding of the topic researched. Backboard includes some examples and/or illustrations. Viewer has difficulty understanding topic researched. Backboard includes few examples and/or illustrations. 2
Quality Includes illustrations and labels. Content is edited for spelling and punctuation and has no errors. Includes illustrations and labels. Content is edited for spelling and punctuation and has less than 3 errors. Includes illustrations and labels. Content is not edited for spelling and punctuation and has more than 3 errors. Does not include illustrations and labels and/or contains more than

3 errors in spelling and



CISC-603 Research White Paper Presentation Evaluation Rubric.docx

Research White Paper al Presentation Rubric

Course: CISC 603 Theory of Computation Instructor: Chad Van Chu Date: / /

Student Name:

Oral Presentation

Language Use and Delivery The student communicates ideas effectively  Effectively uses eye contact.

 Speaks clearly, effectively and confidently using suitable volume and pace.

 Fully engages the audience.

 Dresses appropriately,

 Selects rich and varied words for context and uses correct grammar.

 Maintains eye contact.

 Speaks clearly and uses suitable volume and pace.

 Takes steps to engage the audience.

 Dresses appropriately.

 Selects words appropriate for context and uses correct grammar.

 Some eye contact, but not maintained.

 Speaks clearly and unclearly in

different portions.

 Occasionally engages audience.

 Dresses inappropriately.

 Selects words inappropriate for context; uses incorrect grammar.

 Uses eye contact ineffectively.

 Fails to speak clearl