Diversity Journal Article Summary

Diversity Journal Article Summary

After reading the article, complete a 2 page summary (APA style) with reference page (3 pages total) and do the following:

demonstrate an understanding of the apprpriate theories or conceptual frameworks
clearly summarize methods and results of the research (use APA style in text citations)
convey the implications of the results
reflect on the findings with regard to diversity in schools
organization is logical, text flows smoothly with transitions between ideas
paper is well written (no errors)
APA style citations are done correctly
Use this citation (the article itself) as a model for your others.

Lin, M., & Bates, A.B. (2010). Developing teacher candidates’ knowledge, skills, and

dispositions to teach diverse students. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 37, 235.

(I have attached pictures of the article pg. 179-184 because it costs money to download)

– there are 8 pictures total