Disease Process Powerpoint

Disease Process Powerpoint

WEEK 6 Recorded Disease Process PRESENTATION
GUIDELINES and Grading Rubric
The purpose of the Disease Process Presentation is for learners to:

· Develop professional presentation/communication skills.

· Demonstrate an advancing understanding of pathophysiological processes of body systems that result in the diagnosis and treatment of patients who present with these disorders in these systems.

· Demonstrate the ability to analyze the literature to obtain the most current, evidence-based resources on the assigned disease process.

· Demonstrate and practice professional communication and leadership, while advancing the education of peers.

Course Outcomes
1. Analyze pathophysiological mechanisms associated with select disease states.

5. Relate research findings to the management of patients with complex pathophysiologic dysfunction.

Total Points Possible: 200 Points
Due Date: upload your presentation to the discussion by Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 6
For Week 6 of the course, there is no case study given to you by the faculty. Instead you will be creating a recorded presentation that demonstrates your understanding of a selected disease process. This presentation will be uploaded into the course via Kaltura (see course resource for directions).

Address the following Criteria:

1. Introduce the disease with a brief definition and description.

2. Discuss the Risk Factors and the connection to the Etiology of the initial injury to the cell/tissue/organ.

3. Discuss health care provider implications for prevention of the disease.

4. Show the progression from the initial injury to the defect in the tissue, organ and system functioning.

5. Link changes in the tissue, organ, and system functioning to the initial presenting signs and symptoms seen in primary care of the disease.

6. Provide a brief description of how the disease is diagnosed.

7. Provide a brief description of the pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions used to treat and manage the disease.

8. Summarizes the disease on final slide with concluding remarks; includes implication for nurse practitioner practice.

9. Utilizes at least two current (within 5 years), peer-review scholarly sources to support presentation content.

10. Reference slide and in-text citations depict references correctly cited according to APA.