Correlation and Regression Study

Correlation and Regression Study


During this week you will identify a research question created in Week 1 for which correlation or regression would be the best statistical approach to take. If you do not have a research question that indicates correlation or regression, review the research questions posted by your peers last week and select one that is ideal for correlation or regression.

Discussion Assignment Requirements

Initial Posting – In your initial posting for this assignment, include the following:

•Identify an appropriate research question that would require the use of correlation and regression to answer.

•Describe why this question is appropriate for a correlational study.

•Identify the two variables in this study and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, and scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio).

•Do the variables fit the qualifications of a correlational study? Explain.

•What type of correlation would you expect to find for this study (i.e., positive or negative)? Explain.

•What predictions might you be interested in making with these variables if the correlation is found to be significant?

Article Critique: Correlation & Regression

The readings for this week focus on the concepts of correlation and regression. In this discussion we will apply those concepts to the review and critique of Wagenheim & Anderson (2008). For information on how to critique a research article, see the Coughlan et al. (2007) from your resources in Week 1 and UIS (n.d.) from your resources in Week 2.

In the body of your posting, include an overview of the following topics:

•Research question – State the research question for the study.

•Methods and study design – Describe the basic methods used, including the variables, sampling methods, data collection, etc.

•Data analysis – Summarize the statistical tests conducted, the results obtained from each test, and the conclusions regarding the research question.

•Critique – Critique the results of the study, paying specific attention to the appropriateness of the analyses conducted, any biases or assumptions that were made, practical significance of the results, and recommendations for improving upon the study (methods or analyses).

•Summary – Provide a brief summary of the study’s findings in 2-3 sentences. Do not use any numbers or statistical terms, but provide a review that would make sense to someone who has not studied research methods or statistics.

Be sure to put information in your own words and to cite appropriately. Respond substantively to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Specifically, focus on their critique of the results and discussion of the analysis. Do you agree with their assessment? What questions did the study leave you with? How might you have done this study differently? What do you see as the limitations of the study as compared to your classmates?

Z, T, or Chi-Square Test Study


During this week you will identify a research question created in Week 1 that would be best answered by any of the following statistical tests: z test, t test for single sample, independent samples t test, repeated measures t test, or Chi-Square test. This discussion will help you work towards your “Week 3 Assignment 2.” If there are no research questions that fit any of these types of statistical analyses, decide on a new question before moving forward with the assignment.

Discussion Assignment Requirements

Initial Posting – In your initial posting for this assignment, include the following:

•Identify an appropriate research question that would require the use of a z-, t-, or Chi-Square test to answer. Pick the question from the list created in Week 1 or identify a new question if there are no appropriate ones from Week 1.

•Describe why this question is appropriate for the selected statistical test.

•Identify the variables in this study and each of their attributes: discrete or continuous, quantitative or categorical, scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and independent or dependent.

•Explain how the variables do or do not fit the qualifications for the selected statistical test.

•Provide a written explanation for the null and alternative hypotheses.

•Describe the types of errors that could occur.

Replies – Though you may respond to your peers multiple times during the week to provide support or feedback, students are required to respond to at least two of their classmates’ postings by Day 7.