Conceptual Foundations

Conceptual Foundations

Conceptual Foundations is a new column for Oncology Nursing Forum (ONF) that focuses on the frameworks that underpin research and practice initiatives. The purpose of this inaugural column is to provide an overview of what conceptual frameworks are, related terms, the role of conceptual frameworks in the research process, and why these frameworks matter. The majority of articles published in ONF are research manuscripts. Readers include student nurses, practicing oncology nurses, nurse managers, advanced practice on- cology nurses, nurse scientists, and people in other disciplines who are interested in patients with cancer. In the guidelines for ONF articles, peer reviewers are asked to address the conceptual model/ theory (if needed) that is included in the manuscript. For all who read, apply, and create knowledge, un- derstanding the conceptual frame- work underlying a research study is an essential skill to master. The conceptual framework may be ex- plicitly identified by the author or may be implicit. If not specifically stated, the reader must detect the underlying assumptions that form a conceptual foundation.

Definitions and Related Terms

What is a conceptual framework? Concept is defined as “an abstract or generic idea generalized from

Marie Flannery, PhD, RN, AOCN®, Associate Editor CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS

Flannery is a research assistant professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

No financial relationships to disclose.

Flannery can be reached at Marie_Flannery@URMC, with copy to editor at ONFEditor@

Key words: concept; theory; framework; model; oncology

ONF, 43(2), 245–247.

doi: 10.1188/16.ONF.245-247

particular instances” (“Concept,” n.d., para. 1). Framework is de- fined as “the basic structure of something: a set of ideas or facts that provide support for some- thing” or “a supporting structure” (“Framework,” n.d., para. 1). Taken together, a conceptual framework consists of specified abstract ideas that are joined in an identified structure. Conceptual frameworks identify what is important in un- derstanding a phenomenon and provide guidance for relationships. No universally accepted definition exists for conceptual framework, and the term is sometimes used interchangeably with conceptual model, theoretical framework, and theory (Powers & Knapp, 2011).

Many terms are related to con- ceptual frameworks (see Table 1). Epistemology is a branch of philosophy that studies “how we know” and the justification of knowledge claims. Varying epis- temologic philosophic traditions have emphasized different aspects and views of knowledge, certainty, and truth, and have provided dif- fering interpretations of theory and concepts. Empirical philosophic traditions influence much of the current research and emphasize the systematic observation of real- ity through sensory observation (Powers & Knapp, 2011). Worldview refers to a general orientation or set of beliefs about how the world operates. Paradigm, a term coined by philosopher Thomas Kuhn,


also refers to a system of beliefs about knowledge, often specific to a discipline. Theory is a term with many definitions; in the research realm, a scientific theory includes a set of statements or principles that explain phenomena. A theory is one type of a conceptual frame- work that always will include at least two concepts and at least one relational statement. Of note, not all conceptual frameworks will qualify as a theory. A model refers to a graphic representation; it may be a two-dimensional diagram or a three-dimensional mock-up. A con- ceptual model is a diagram or draw- ing of the conceptual framework.