Case Study: Schizophrenia Answer Sheet

Case Study: Schizophrenia Answer Sheet

Diagnosing Randy:

1. Go to the DSM-IV checklist for schizophrenia and list each of Randy’s behaviors that satisfy the symptom criteria for schizophrenia. Which of Randy’s symptoms meet any of the criteria? (Be sure to match specific symptoms with specific criteria.)

2. How long has Randy been experiencing symptoms that meet the criteria for schizophrenia?

3. What type of schizophrenia does Randy display?

4. What phase of schizophrenia was Randy in during the days before the diner incident?

5. What phase was he in at the time of the diner incident that led to his arrest?

Explaining Randy’s Schizophrenia:

1. What genetic factors may have played a part in Randy’s schizophrenia?

2. What biochemical abnormalities might account for Randy’s symptoms?

3. What might have been the role of family stress in Randy’s disorder?

4. What sociocultural factors may have played a role in Randy’s schizophrenia?

Treating Randy:

1. Assume that instead of being jailed for his offenses, Randy is referred to a community health center for treatment planning. You are assigned to be his caseworker. What kind of assessments will you need to do before you begin Randy’s treatment planning?

2. What type of medication might you recommend for Randy?

3. What mental health treatment modalities would be helpful to Randy in addition to medication?

4. What services other than mental health treatment might be beneficial for Randy?


You will complete a total of three (3) Case Study assignments. For each assignment, read through the case study and complete the provided answer sheet of questions, utilizing information from the Comer textbook to formulate appropriate answers. Submit the completed document as an attachment via the assignment submission link. Grading will be based on the accuracy and quality of answers, the demonstration of higher-level critical thinking skills, and appropriate quantity/content of the answers. Your answers should do the following:

· Be in complete sentences.