Career Counseling Across The Lifespan

Career Counseling Across The Lifespan

For this discussion, synthesize your understanding of career counseling as an integral part of human development. From the perspective of your specialization, how does the developmental lifespan perspective influence career and educational planning, placement, and evaluation? Discuss the influence of career counseling when working with children (elementary school), adolescents (secondary), and older adults. Identify models that would be appropriate for children and adolescents in the school setting, including identity models such as Erik Erickson.

Response Guidelines
Respond to at least two of your peers, commenting on the effectiveness with which your peer addressed each developmental stage, identifying the needs of elementary, secondary, and older adults. The response needs to include at least one reference

First peer posting

Career Counseling as an Integral Part of Human Development

Career development is not a one-time event, rather it is a process that occurs across the lifespan and is an integral part of human development. Further, the counseling that may be offered to support career development must also be offered from a lifespan perspective, with counselors supporting a client’s unique needs at the various stages of their life and career. Zunker (2016) also points out that changing cultural and environmental systems can effect human development, and best practice involves case conceptualization from a holistic perspective. Humans are actively growing and changing throughout their lives, and their vocational interests, goals, and preferences are no exception. Career counseling is a dynamic and lifelong process that evolves with each client throughout the course of their life.

The Developmental Lifespan Model Influence on Career and Educational Planning, Placement, and Evaluation

From a mental health counseling perspective, the developmental lifespan model of career planning is highly influential. Mental health counselors will need to be prepared to address all phases of career counseling in all phases or stages of a client’s life. Career and education planning begin in early childhood and continue throughout the course of life. Mental health counselors will need to be aware of the foundational career needs of the children they serve, and be prepared to focus on improved social skills, industry, and communication skills. When working with adolescents, mental health counselors also need to be aware of the importance of developing quality relationships outside of their family, and how these interpersonal skills will benefit them later in the workforce. Also, mental health counselors will need to