Behavior Modification Research Paper

Behavior Modification Research Paper

write a 5-page, APA formatted. The research paper will include a title page, 150–250-word abstract, 5-page body, and references page. The body of the research paper will have an introduction, conclusion, and 2 main sections. You can give those sections appropriate titles.

The first section will focus on peer-reviewed research that others have already done on your target behavior which is exercise (physical). How did they study this behavior? What treatment did they use? Was it effective?

The second section of your paper will require you to research and token reinforcement treatment to use to change the behavior. Only use at least 4of the peer-reviewed journal articles that are attached.


(150–250 words; summarizes the paper succinctly)

A thorough, but succinct description of the target behavior and the treatment proposed to use in this experiment.


A thorough, detailed description of the background of the study and introduction to the paper. Created an understanding of the necessity of addressing the target behavior.

Section I

(Research done by others on your target behavior)

A review of the literature that summarizes what is known and not known about this particular target behavior.

Section II

(Research on the treatment you intend to use)

A review of the literature that summarizes what is known and not known about the treatment you propose to use.


10 pts: A brief summary of the paper. Concluded by concisely describing the proposed experiment, included target behavior and proposed treatment and the reason each was chosen.

References Page

(Minimum of the textbook and 4 additional peer-reviewed journal articles)

Reference list is done in current APA edition format, with the sources alphabetized and generally free from errors. The reference page should be double-spaced evenly, with the reference citations in hanging indent.