Assignment: Cohort Group Experience Self-Reflection

Assignment: Cohort Group Experience Self-Reflection

During this course, you explored personal characteristics of the effective group leader and considered the impact of culture in group work. You are encouraged to reflect on your unique characteristics as you continue on a journey of self-reflection and self-awareness in your development as a group counselor.

You have also had the opportunity to participate in a small group of your peers with the task of developing a group proposal. Reflecting on how you worked as a cohort, managed conflicts, resolved problems, and shared work responsibilities has much to do with how you experienced yourself and others in your small group. Although your group was not intended to be a counseling group, the parallel process is evident. You likely experienced the emergence of small group dynamics at each stage of the development of your proposal.

For this Assignment, you will reflect on your cohort experience to develop your skills in becoming more self-aware as a member of a collaborative group.

To prepare:

· Review your notes, review the stages of groups, the characteristics of each stage of group, and member behaviors that are common to group work.

· Review the School of Counseling’s Key Professional Dispositions, paying special attention to Professional Behaviors 3 and 12; Interpersonal Behaviors 4, 7, 13, 15, and 16; and Intrapersonal Behaviors 1, 7, 13, 20, and 22.

· Using your knowledge of group process and dynamics, consider your weekly self-reflection notes to assess your role as a group member, paying special attention to how this may inform you as a future group leader.

· Review and use the Cohort Group Experience Self-Reflection Rubric to guide your reflection.

The Assignment:

In no more than 2–3 pages (not including your cover page), respond to the following prompts/guidelines in a well-organized narrative style and format. Use specific examples to support your points.

Reflecting on your small cohort group process during the development of your Group Proposal, respond to the following:

· How would you describe your role in the group? For example, did you assume the leadership role? Did you sit back and wait to see who spoke up? Did you find yourself irritated with the members or the progress of the group? Did you feel more or less adequate as a group member?

· How did you end up in the role you assumed? Is this a familiar role for you? Does this resemble a role you played in your family?

· How would you describe the group member dynamics? Did some members do more of the work? Less of the work? How did you respond to those members?

· Identify a time when the group faced a conflict or problem. What was your part in exacerbating or resolving the concern? Did you become the problem-solver? The silent member? The peacekeeper? Given this experience, how might you handle conflict in the future?

· Review the School of Counseling’s Key Professional Dispositions and consider how your experience in your cohort group may have been guided by the dispositions. Which ones were most meaningful to your professional development?

· What did you learn about yourself as a group member?