Assignment 1: Journal: Academic Writing Reflection

Assignment 1: Journal: Academic Writing Reflection

Although it has only been 6 weeks, hopefully, you have already seen growth and development in your academic writing skills. Throughout your program, you will be exposed to an abundance of academic literature and continue to grow as a scholar. Take a little time to think about your current writing, based on what you have learned and your Instructors feedback over the past 6 weeks. Reflect on existing strengths that you can leverage and areas you can continue to develop. Ensure that you are continuing to do this throughout your academic journey. It is just as important to reflect on the progress you have made, as it is to recognize areas that you can continue to improve.

To prepare:

Review this weeks assigned reading in the course text, Essential Guide to Critical Reading and Writing. Then, review and reflect on the journal entry you wrote in Week 1. Provide a self-assessment in your journal this week on:

How has your academic writing changed throughout the course? Provide examples.
What areas in your academic program do you think have improved the most, and why?
What areas do you think you need further guidance? What is your strategy to improve the areas identified?
Your journal entry should be approximately 400 to 800 words. Include at least two Walden resources from the Learning Resources this week (that you used in your self-assessment).