Applying Critical Thinking In Child Development

Applying Critical Thinking In Child Development

Assignment ContextFrom the Flaws in Thinking and Scenarios table, you selected a common flaw in thinking when considering child development and one of the scenarios linked with it. In this assignment, you will apply critical thinking to your selection.Assignment InstructionsComplete the following:Identify the flaw you selected and its associated scenario.Write a paper in the following format: Introduction: Write an introduction in which you coherently demonstrate clear understanding of the flawed thinking you selected through support from secondary sources.Body: In 2–3 paragraphs, analyze how using the flawed thinking could impact the scenario you picked. For example, you could select, “My cousin drank wine while she was pregnant and my nephew is fine. It is fine to drink while pregnant.” You would identify this as telling an anecdote and write a single paragraph about why anecdotal evidence is problematic when considering child development. You would then review the empirical literature around what we currently know about the impact of prenatal alcohol consumption and infant and child outcomes with at least 3–5 peer-reviewed academic journal articles.Conclusion: Summarize how child development theory and research can be used to analyze the impact of flawed thinking to children’s evolving needs.Please visit the following iGuide pages (links given in the resources) for valuable feedback on how to approach your critical thinking skills:Critical Thinking.Building Skills for Critical Thinking.Other Assignment RequirementsYour paper should meet the following requirements:Written communication: Use the accepted form and style of the psychological professions, employing grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of graduate-level composition and expression.

APA style and formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.Please refer to the Applying Critical Thinking in Child Development Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.Note: Your instructor may also use the APA Writing Feedback Rubric to provide additional feedback on your academic writing. The writing feedback rubric does not affect your assignment grade, but its feedback may factor into the grading criteria, if professional communication and writing is a course competency. Evaluate your own work using this rubric. Refer to the Learner Guide for instructions on viewing instructor feedback.ResourcesWebsite icon Applying Critical Thinking in Child Development Scoring Guide. Website icon APA Style and Format.Website icon Building Skills for Critical Thinking.Website icon Critical Thinking.PDF icon APA Writing Feedback Rubric.Website icon Flaws in Thinking and Scenarios.PDF icon Learner Guide to APA Writing Feedback Rubric.