The article that I had chosen for this discussion came from the University Library. Cross cultural psychology and social science have a combination of common factors, and some differences as well. Cross- cultural psychology is an expanding term that means the science and study of different human beliefs, and the cultures that arise from that study. The differences between cultures are among many different beliefs, languages, cognitive studies, and theories.

How cultures change or have different forms of thinking is based from different perspectives such as individual, or collective cultures. Individual culture is based from independent thoughts from self identity and self reflection. Collective cultures is from a culture or how people view themselves as a whole, or in a group setting. For examples, the United States in an individual psychology, and for a culture psychology, the East Asian cultures is an example of the collective studies of psychology.Cultures are growing in different areas such as, regions and environments and affect on different cultures and family life styles. (Wisniewski, Jing, 2018)

In this article, the author’s purpose is to provide a clear understanding of how cultures provide a different circumstance for psychology. Both authors state there is a different in family structure, and compare to different regions based from how families and cultures develop. The authors also provide how the two different regions might have similar values, ethics and concepts, but also have different ways of passage, and the culture between both of them provide for a different upbringing on social influences.The social influences on culture provide a different experience based on locations, gender, sex, age and location. Social aspects on either individual growth, or a collective growth are based on many factors that provide a cross of psychology and acceptance (individual, and collective).

A theory used to describe this theory would be Erik Erikson’s theory of development. The theory describes eight stages of life development, based upon independent and variables amount of ages. From the new born stage, how one is developed from observation and guidance, expands through their life span into later adulthood. Erikson’s theory is a good example for individual, and cross cultural psychology because of the stages aren’t being exact, and differ among cultures and age groups.

The strength of the article that I selected provided a brief interview of different authors from different cultures. Both authors are using a cultural form of psychology to connect their beliefs, and provide examples for others to read or study and could possibly lead to future studies. A weakness about the article is the information is almost to brief, and there is no results, methods or abstract to conclude information from for further studies. Wisniewski and Jing are attempting how change how people think about cross- cultural psychology, and with the combination of Erikson’s theory, It provides an insight through the lifespan of an individual based from culture, (collective) and independent (Erikson’s theory) as a combination of culture and independency.

As far as the research from the cultural psychology from Ross, the future challenges and opportunities depend on the growth in the next 20 years depending on studies. We are unable to predict the future, however the majority of studies between two different regions is based on contrast and theories.

“Furthermore, we emphasize that trait measures capture people’s self-reflective awareness of their own thoughts and behaviors; however, much of people’s mental processes lies distinctly outside of consciousness” (Ross, Lepper, & Ward, Para 33, 2010). The statement is a direct statement from the authors about collective and reflective studies from thoughts and behaviors, but people’s own mental processes will provide an outcome from their own perspective.


The article I will evaluate is cultural psychology and stereotyping. Stereotyping is a generalized belief about a particular group of people. The issue with stereotyping is the assumption is based on grouping a particular group or class of people based on the actions of one or a small group. In social psychology stereotyping is about the ways the individual’s behavior represents the group of that particular race or sex. Stereotyping is a form of prejudice and discrimination. This might be the case because of a belief that statements about cultural differences are essentializing and suggest, for example, that all members of a group have the same psychological characteristic, and that the cultural differences are fixed and immutable, allowing little room for social change (Heine & Norenzayan, 2006).

The article I will describe that examines a psychological phenomenon from a cultural perspective is Stereotyping across intersections of race and age: Racial stereotyping among White adults working with children. The article is about 1022 White adults ages 18- 83, 64% female and 36% male who volunteer who work with children in the United States. The research indicated that huge portion of White adults who work with children supported negative stereotypes towards Blacks and other minorities. The study further revealed stereotyping was lower in children than in teens and that 18.

The social thinking of this group was that blacks and other minorities children were lazy, violence-prone, unhealthy. Findings suggest that White adults who work and/or volunteer with children in the U.S. require ongoing support to counter stereotypes and develop positive racial/ethnic attitudes and beliefs (Priest, et, al. 2018, pg.15). The role of culture in our psychological understanding of stereotyping with blacks and minorities have not changed since slavery. Many still view minorities and killers, rapist, drug dealers, and thugs/criminals. I feel that the current generation view is much better than of those who are 65 plus. The current generation is working to eradicate not only stereotyping, but racism, sexism, and discrimination.