ANT100 Stress and the Human Body

ANT100 Stress and the Human Body

The outcomes of Trident’s General Education courses can be found at: at

Students are expected to be able to:

Apply methods for using resources.
Demonstrate effective written communication skills.
Work effectively in collaboration with others.
Apply ethical practice to decision making.
Assess real-world situations in order to make appropriate decisions.
Analyze the impact of human expressions on culture.
This course will address the following General Education outcomes, either implicitly or explicitly:

Apply methods for using resources.
Demonstrate effective written communications skills.
Work effectively in collaboration with others.
Assess real-world situations in order to make appropriate decisions.
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Course Overview
In this course you will learn the basic anatomy and physiology of the human body systems by examining the effects of the stress response on the nervous, immune, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. You will also learn about the general levels of organization of life, the steps of the Scientific Method, and basic research and writing techniques. The course will follow this general outline:

Module 1: Stress and the Neuroendocrine Response

Defining and Contrasting Acute and Chronic Stress
Acute Stress and the Sympathetic Response (Nervous System)
Chronic Stress and Cortisol (Neuroendocrine)
Developing Resilience to Stress
Module 2: Chronic Stress and Behavioral Response