ADHD Diagnosis

ADHD Diagnosis

15 disorders of childhood and adolescence (neurodevelopmental disorders)


learning objectives 15

· 15.1 How does maladaptive behavior appear in different life periods?

· 15.2 What are the common disorders of childhood?

· 15.3 Do anxiety and depression appear in children and adolescents?

· 15.4 What are some specific disorders that occur in childhood?

· 15.5 What are intellectual disabilities?

· 15.6 How can we plan better programs to help children and adolescents?

A Case of Adolescent Depression and Attempted Suicide Emily is 15-year-old girl from a middle-class Caucasian background who had a history of depression during her childhood. She had periods of low mood, poor self-esteem, and social withdrawal. She also had symptoms of anxiety and was very reluctant to leave her home. During her year in the seventh grade, she became so fearful of going to school that she missed so many days she had to repeat the grade. She currently is in the eighth grade and has, to this point, missed a great deal of school. Her family became very concerned over Emily’s low mood and isolation, so they enrolled her in an out-patient treatment program for depression, anxiety episodes, and eating disorders. Her depression continued, and she became more isolated, lonely, and depressed and would not leave her room even for meals. One day her grandmother found her in their car in the garage with the engine running in an effort to end her life. Emily was admitted into an inpatient treatment program following her serious suicide attempt.

There is a history of psychiatric problems, particularly mood disorders, in her family. Her mother has been hospitalized on three occasions for depression. Her maternal grandfather, now deceased, was hospitalized at one time following a manic depressive episode.

In the early phases of her hospitalization, Emily underwent an extensive psychological and psychiatric evaluation. She was administered a battery of tests, including the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory for Adolescents (MMPI-A). She was cooperative with the evaluation and provided the assessment staff with sufficient information regarding her mood and attitudes to assist in developing a treatment program.